#7 Corob Jointer Molding Knife

#7 Corob Jointer Molding Knife


One of our most popular profiles, this 1” wide Rabbeting Knife fits the MHK and Craftsman molding head and is used to cut dados, grooves and Rabbets quickly and smoothly.

See the Video

Used with an auxiliary fence it can cut Rabbets of any width for milling ship lap, bead boards and other paneling.

Make your own auxiliary fence.

It is also highly effective for adding relief grooves to the back of chair rail, base board and other molding.

This flat profile is also often used as the blank for shaping your own cutters.

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#9 Corob Drop-Leaf Cove Molding Knife #9 - MOLDING KNIFE.jpg

#9 Corob Drop-Leaf Cove Molding Knife

#8 Corob Drop-Leaf Bead Molding Knife #8 - MOLDING KNIFE.jpg

#8 Corob Drop-Leaf Bead Molding Knife

#12 Corob 3 Bead Edge Molding Knife #12 - 3 BEAD EDGE MOLDING KNIFE.jpg

#12 Corob 3 Bead Edge Molding Knife

#3 Corob Bead & Quarter Round Molding Knife #3 - BEAD & QUARTER RD MOLDING KNIFE.jpg

#3 Corob Bead & Quarter Round Molding Knife

1 Corob MK.jpg #1 - MOLDING KNIFE.jpg

#1 Corob Tongue Molding Knife
